Dodgers Team News

Vin Scully News: Ahead of Series Finale, Padres Honor Dodgers’ Broadcaster

Vin Scully has proven to not only be just the announcer of the Dodgers, but the face and voice of baseball. Through 67 years, Vin has seen the sport evolve and the players come and go.

Vin has always shared stories of, not only the Dodger players, but many other players that he’s watched and admired. The Padres, in particular, showed their appreciation of Vin’s knowledge and dedication to the sport by putting together a short, but sweet, video for him. Another piece of proof of how much he meant to the baseball community as a whole.

Both, the Dodgers and Padres have never had much of a serious rivalry between each other considering the two teams share Southern California. In 819 games, the Dodgers have a 436-382 record with the Padres.

One thing they actually have in common this season, is the retirement of both their broadcasters, as they also said goodbye to Dick Enberg. It’s no wonder Vin’s farewell hit the Padres close to home.

Vin Scully News: Broadcaster Honored by US Congress

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Alyssa Jara

CSULA student//Good food and sci-fi novels make me happy. I fear not seeing every part of the world! Follow me on Twitter: @alyssajjara

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