Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Clayton Kershaw Joins Ellen Degeneres to Help A Fan

Clayton Kershaw helped Ellen Degeneres on her self-titled show surprise a Dodger fan and audience member, Natalie Nunez. Natalie, a native of Pico Rivera, CA, works three jobs to help pay for her college education. She also helps her parents care for her 16 year old brother who has autism.

Dodgers Helping Dodger Fans

Ellen has a segment on her show called “Million Dollar May.” This segment is where Ellen and Walmart are giving a combined total of 1 million dollars to deserving people. Natalie was given the opportunity to throw baseballs at small targets for her chance to win some cash to help her and her family. What she didn’t know was that she was going to have help. Not only was she going to have help, she got help from the face of the Dodgers franchise.

Check out the video below.


The Kershaws Are Blessings

First off, I love that Clayton nailed that small target with the first chance he had. He has excellent control as a pitcher. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that he was able to hit such a small plate from about 10 feet away.

Beyond just Kershaw’s challenge, Ellen and Clayton Kershaw never cease in donating their time, money, and caring hearts to causes around the world. On a very dark day in the world of Dodger fandom, this was a welcomed shot of sugar and medicine.

You can donate to Kershaw’s Challenge here, as well as read more about their cause.

AJ Gonzalez

AJ is a lifelong Dodgers and Lakers fan who grew up in California. His whole family is also lifelong Dodgers fans. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, two kids, his guitars, and beagle Kobe.

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