Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Fans Can Now Follow Vin Scully on Social Media

Fans looking to get updates on legendary Dodgers’ broadcaster Vin Scully might be in luck. It was announced this week that Vin would be joining us all on social media finally, at the ripe age of 92. 

Vin can now be found on Twitter (@TheVinScully), Instagram (@TheVinScully), and Facebook now. Scully is also apparently going to be starting a Youtube channel as well. He will have a website ( that will launch in October.

We should also point out that the Dodgers’ broadcaster probably isn’t running these things on his own. BUT. Scully did tell USA Today that he is anxious to connect with fans through his new social media accounts, while also understanding Twitter can be a pretty scary place. 

I was a fan before I was a broadcaster, and I want to see and hear and engage with people…I will not use Twitter for any controversy in any shape or form. I’ll be very, very careful about what goes out. It’s too volatile of a world. I don’t want anyone mistaking what I originally meant. I won’t get into any arguments, but if I feel necessary to chime in, I’ll do it.

Vin has not left his home since he took a fall in his driveway back in April. Since then, he has appeared in several videos for the Dodgers, including a video tribute to the late Kobe Bryant. 

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