Dodgers Team News

Dodgers’ Justin Turner Has Given Gavin Lux A Nickname

Rarely do you get the chance to write a story while really wanting to know how the story ends. On this occasion, it will need filed in the ‘to be continued section’.

Apparently, Los Angeles Dodgers’ veteran Justin Turner has given the newest Dodger Gavin Lux a nickname. This nugget comes to us from our good friend Michael Duarte of NBC Sports on twitter. However, the origin of the moniker is not yet known.

As the story goes, Turner coined the nickname “Donald” for the rookie Lux. According to Duarte, Turner will not elaborate on the story behind the nickname, but he has asked the media to refer to Lux as “Donald” from this point forward.

Therefore, who am I to not comply with the bearded man’s wishes? To me, Lux will never be called anything but Donald again. Or at least – until I know where the nickname come from – he’s just Donald to me.

Equally important – you can venture some healthy guesses. Perhaps Lux reminds Turner of Donald Duck? Or is it possible that Lux is a Donald Trump fan? The world may never know, that is; unless someone does some major sleuth work.

Gavin Lux’s nickname could become one of the biggest mysteries in both baseball and Dodgers’ circles for years to come. If only FRG could have known this weeks ago when Lux appeared on the Blue Heaven Podcast as a special guest.

Finally, we will do our best to find out why this is Lux’s nickname. With that being said, what is your guess? Or does anyone have any intel that could help solve the great mystery of ‘Donald’ Lux? Let us know what you know or your thoughts in the comments section below. I really hope that he’s ‘Donald’ on Player’s Weekend 2020, for some reason.

Staff Writer

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  1. I’ve been referring to Gavin Lux for some time now as “DE-LUX” because this guy is the REAL DEAL !
    So if Justin Turner wants to call him Donald, OK..but the young phenom will always be
    “DE-LUX” to me!

    1. Linda, I like your name for Lux best of all; and, I am sure eventually the broadcasters will pick up on it and use it during their broadcasts – especially when Lux does something spectacular. Go Blue!!!!

  2. Oh come on; his twitter handle is TheRealGavinLux, just like the Cheeto. Huge Trump fan. Wonder what he thinks about our traitor-in-chief. Probably in denial like so many of that cult. Great talent for the Dodgers, though.

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